I have decided to write a few things about all the promo videos I made, and share it with other musicians, and I truly hope this thoughts of mine can be useful for you! 🙂
Agents have no time – Use your 5 min wisely
Bare in mind that agents are very busy, and they don’t have more than 5 to 7 min to see your work.  Don’t waste their time by putting “well known tunes” like “I Will Survive”, “Love Me Tender”, “The Girl From Ipanema”, “Only You”, etc. on your demo. Otherwise they will get bored!
Knowing that performers, who are looking for a contract are much more than places available for you to perform, that makes the competition pretty much tight.
Think you are given 5 min and use the time wisely, so you can get their attention. Perhaps it may make them want to know you more!
Keep each songs 1 min or less
Make each songs sweet and short. Keeping them in 1 min or less to maintain reviewers’ attention and their mind focusing on you.
Make up your mind as you are in a live state: 1st songs in a row, the song in the middle, and the last song will be catchy. One or two of the songs you can choose to make as your own cover, with a different approach from the original groove or chords, and take your time to edit and compose it with varieties of tempos and keys, flowing one after another. But don’t put two minor key songs side by side!
As in the mood for each and every great pieces in Classic music, there should be four seasons in a product with songs of winter, spring, summer and autumn. Because this versatile flavor is the what gets people’s attention.
Presentation – Appropriate appearance
Always perform as live with the good attitude, dressing appropriate, smart casual, the accent should be on you not on your dress /Ladies, no short dresses, it will look cheap/, make up, or your jewels! Your visual is also powerful to make an impact on you in either good or adverse ways that reflects on your reputation.
Use right equipment
There must be HD cameras, choose the angle of the camera wisely, bare in mind camera is usually puts 5 kilos more than you actually appear!
Always perform from your heart, smile and look cool and self-confident!
And this is all it takes! 🙂